Order Updates are coming this Friday the 18th

Hey everyone,

Apologies for delays on email replies and shipments!!  The past few weeks have been stressful while finding new fabric suppliers.  Fabric.com shutting down abruptly before Halloween was unexpected, and caused some major disruptions for my projects planned for next year.  

I’ve had to spend a majority of my days sourcing and negotiating with new overseas suppliers.  Inflation is absolutely a global experience right now, especially for the garment industry.  I’m doing my best to find comparable replacements for most of my popular materials.  I have new colors and fabric options in the works for 2023. 

Luckily this won’t affect my current orders.  I’m still on track to finish all of my remaining orders between now to the end of this year.  This is just another bump in the road as a small biz maker. 

I’ll have a full order update posted this Friday the 18th.  


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